I was just perusing the internet and I came across an article titled “
Two- Week Wait Survival Tips.” I came across this because I googled “two- week wait survival tips.”
If there is someone out there reading this who doesn’t know what the two- week wait is, or tww as those in the trenches call it, it is the time period that elapses between trying to make a baby and in my case so far, finding out you didn’t make a baby.
I am currently in the early stages of my very own two-week wait. I’m still a few days from obsessing over every bodily function and emotion as a possible pregnancy symptom:
Here are some of my google search greatest hits:
“is insomnia a sign of pregnancy?”
“are very smelly farts a pregnancy symptom?”
“uncontrollable crying, early pregnancy symptom”
“I feel like roller skating, could I be pregnant?”
But I’m not too early in my tww to
not obsess over so many other things.
Let’s see if this article is actually going to help me…
Two-Week Wait Survival Tip #1 – Stop Obsessing Over “Pregnancy Symptoms”I’m sorry, who wrote this? My aunt who told me that I can always adopt?
Asking a woman who is in her two-week wait to not obsess over pregnancy symptoms is like asking a woman who is pregnant to NOT look smug. She is simply incapable of succeeding at this task.
Two-Week Wait Survival Tip #2 – Keep BusyOh, Don’t worry, I’m busy. I’m busy tracking my PH levels, meditating to my fertility mantra, and googling IUI success rates. When I’m not doing those things, I’m building a time machine in my basement so I can go retrieve eggs from my 24- year old self.
Two-Week Wait Survival Tip #3 – Schedule Obsessing TimeThey suggest scheduling fifteen minutes once or twice a day for obsessing. How about I try for fifteen minutes twice a day to NOT obsess?
Two-Week Wait Survival Tip #4 – Get Support from People who UnderstandI am 100% behind this tip. I joined an online support group and I can’t tell you how much this has helped. Knowing you are not alone in your transformation from a reasonably sane (with the help of anti-depressants) woman into a baby obsessed emotion machine is a HUGE relief. You need the kind of women who will inquire about your follicle size, your husband’s motility percentages and your most recent RE appointment with the kind of intense fervor that can only be provided by someone who has gone through this or is going through it now. Seek those women out either online or in your community and make them your friends.
I didn’t read the rest of the article because I got sidetracked researching IVF vacations in the Czech Republic, but I do have some tips of my own.
1. Always have on hand some high quality dark chocolate. I recommend Lindt Mint Dark.
2. Fashion Magazines. Vogue is my favorite because I want shiny pictures of pretty people and an article about a model from the Sudan who went back to her homeland and opened an orphanage.
3. Watch Bridget Jones Diary.
4. Yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga.
Here are
five yoga poses for fertility that feel yummy.
5. Drink ridiculous amounts of wine. Of course we can't do that. But oh to dream...